Videos and Blogs by Sarah Horwitz

Sunday, January 14, 2007

New video, lots of fun!

Check out my new video, 'The Triplets of Sinkville', above! Sally, Sam, and Shoshana live in Sinkville, where everyone speaks Kitchen Sinkian. ;)

I had a ridiculous amount of fun making this video. I enlisted the help of my dad (Hi, Dad!) and we spent a good hour and a half playing with the hose attachment in the sink, banging around pots and pans, and getting water all over the kitchen floor. I spazzed out about getting water on "my baby" (Canon GL2's don't grow on trees, you know) but everything was fine. Playing the different characters was great fun as well. As you can see, I've exaggerated some stereotypes for Sally, Sam, and Shoshana. I was kind of uncomfortable with Sally, because I spend a great deal of time trying not to be a Sally. ;-) Sam just made me laugh, and I had to do about four takes with her because I kept cracking up and/or I couldn't hold the camera in that precarious position any longer. Shoshana is an HP geek like me (Go HP!) and she has an awesome name. Whoohoo!

So what do you guys think of this video? Would you like to see the triplets again sometime?

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Hi there! I've decided to create this site as a "home base" for my videos up at YouTube, since my real website hasn't started up just yet. I'll post up regular blogs as well, but in the meantime, here are some of my videos so far:

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel at:

About Me

My photo
Hi, I'm Sarah Horwitz. I'm a high school student, a feminist, and an aspiring filmmaker. I got my first camera when I was twelve, but it's been this year that I really realized that I wanted to make films for the rest of my life. My dream is to be accepted into the Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film and Television at Tisch School of the Arts in NYU someday. I believe that women are still vastly underrepresented in today’s media, and I would like to help change that. You can learn more about my views on this by watching my ‘GiRL DRiVE’ video. Be a part of the human revolution!